livro do desassossego / das buch der unruhe

Vogo, atenção só dos sentidos, sem pensamento nem emoção. Despertei cedo; vim para a rua sem preconceitos. Examino como quem cisma. Vejo como quem pensa. E uma leve névoa de emoção se ergue absurdamente em mim; a bruma que vai saindo do exterior parece que se me infiltra lentamente. Sem querer, sinto que tenho estado a pensar na minha vida. Não dei por isso, mas assim foi. Julguei que somente via e ouvia, que não era mais, em todo este meu percurso ocioso, que um reflexo de imagens dadas, um biombo branco onde a realidade projecta cores e luz em vez de sombras. Mas era mais, sem que o soubesse. Era ainda a alma que se nega, e o meu próprio abstracto observar era uma negação ainda.

Ich lasse mich treiben, bin ganz sinnliche Aufmerksamkeit, ohne Gedanken und ohne Gefühl. Ich bin früh aufgewacht; ich bin ohne Vorurteile auf die Straße getreten. Ich schaue alles prüfend an wie ein Grübler. Ich sehe wie einer, der nachdenkt. und ein leichter Gefühlsnebel erhebt sich absurd in mir; der Nebel, der draußen emporsteigt, scheint langsam in mich einzudringen. Ohne es zu wollen fühle ich, daß ich soeben über mein Leben nachgedacht habe. Ich habe es selbst nicht bemerkt, aber so ist es gewesen. Ich meinte, ich sähe und hörte nur, ich wäre während meines ganzen müßigen Umher- schlenderns nur ein Reflektor von vorgegebenen Bildern gewesen, eine weiße spanische Wand, auf welche die Wirklichkeit Farben und Licht anstelle von Schatten projeziert. Aber es war mehr, ohne dass ich es selber gewusst hätte. Es war die sich verleugnende Seele mit im Spiel, und sogar mein abstraktes Beobachten war noch eine Verneinung.

f. pessoa.
like a rolling stone

well... how does it feel?
Cemitério dos Prazeres
...the cemetery of amusement, that's how they call this city of the dead. After all it is named by the district "Prazeres" where it's located, but somehow I still can't decide whether this name was a sarcastic choice or a pleasant one. Anyway, it's taking your breathe away, the sight on all those small white houses build for those who left, those amazing statues between the pines, cherryblossomtrees and palms, the silence, just disturbed by birds singing (ok, to be honest: in the rear part by cars rushing the close situated autobahn), the location quite high above Lisboa. But get an idea of it by yourself: Prazer!
art, music and june in march.
Well, I was tramping a lot through Lisboa the last days and after all I don't know where to start my narration... Hmmm... This guy who is planning the weather is doing a good job, it's so sunny and warm! Yesterday I was taking a work break ( ;-) ) with Tomáš by taking a nap on the lawn in front of the economics faculty. Birds were singing, sun was shining and after all we got some music. Well, we call it "studies". But in fact (even though it looks like I would hardly think about anything else than icecream, beer or quick-naps in the sunshine) I really was reflecting about that eclectic evening before. First I have been on a strange event by accident: Just wanted to drink a relaxed Sagres in a bar, but wondered right from the beginning about all those cables, beamers, electric stuff. Then someone whispered reverentially the name of an - I think he was French - artist, who appeared and did... something...weird. Let's call it art. He was playing with pearls, prismas and stuff like that in front of a camera that projected those pictures on every wall in that bar. While doing that, he was producing a weird sound, reminded me of me trying to get a tone out of a didgeridoo, (sounds like an elephant with a cold i guess). That tone continued the same for... I guess one hour. To be honest I just stayed for 15 minutes, after that period my mind started to produce strange thoughts... gosh, this was psychedelic!!! But to get an idea of that one I took a video and I proudly present the world premiere:

Well, after this masterpiece of art we decided to experience something less intellectual to relax our agonised mind. There was a concert of "Rita Redshoes", a portuguese singer-songwriter. After an hour of waiting in front of closed doors but having a lot of fun by comparing the names of disney-characters in different languages and avoiding cars that tried to pass the crowdy street, we finally got in and it really was a relaxing, nice concert! Ok, here she is:

So... what else to tell? Hmm, I guess all this beautiful-sunset-nice-weather-good-party-stuff will bore you to death, so I finish with uploading some impressions... até breve!

nichts ahnend...
...biegt man des Nachts im Bairro Alto um die Ecke und eine Heerschar von Christen prozessiert feierlich des Wegs. Worum genau es ging kann ich im Moment, als dass ich mich der katholischen Feiertage grade nicht erinnere, nicht genau klären. Aber ich finde es noch raus... für Tipps bin ich auch dankbar! Sehr überraschend und beeindruckend...
und da verschwand sie...
...die Sonne hinterm Miradouro da Santa Catarina. Und ich im Bairro Alto...
Tasca do Chico
Gestern gab's Fado im Bairro Alto, der unser aller Herzen so berührte, dass es uns danach nicht mehr auf den Plätzen hielt und wir die gegenüberliegende Karaokebar enterten. Stunden des ungeduldigen Wartens sollten sich bezahlt machen: Mr. Prestiiige Giovanni's einzigartige Interpretation von "Lasciatemi Cantare" eroberte die Herzen der portugiesischen Zuhörerschaft sofort im Sturm. Unter tosendem Applaus verliessen wir die Lokalität und gönnten der glorreichen Nacht einen fabelhaften Ausklang am Miradouro, den Blick voller Saudade auf die Lichter der Stadt gesenkt. Lisboa! A minha Lisboa...

Ach ja... und für Vicy, wie versprochen, meu fado preferido:
estou um pouco cansado...
...deshalb heute nur Diashow. Trip to Sintra, Sonne am Miradouro, Cerveja im Bairro Alto, Tejo Bar und Nachmitternachtsbifana na Alfama. War ein schönes Wochenende!

Edit: os imagems do viagem para Sintra: